Daftar Singkatan Bahasa Inggris di Kalangan User Internet

cmiiw - bahasa slang user internet
CMIIW, WTF, ASAP, CYA, GWS, DIKU, hanyalah sebagian kecil daftar singkatan bahasa slang/gaul user internet. Apa artinya?

INTERNET, terutama Media Sosial, merupakan dunia maya yang lintas negara dan lintas bahasa. Bahasa Inggris menjadi bahasa internasional utama.

User, netter, atau pengguna internet dan social media pun harus "melek bahasa Inggris", minimal yang dasar dam umum, termasuk singkatan-singkatan bahasa Inggris yang lazim digunakan di kalangan user internet.

Berikut ini Daftar Singkatan Bahasa Inggris di Kalangan User Internet yang dihimpun dari berbagai sumber. Bisa dikatakan, ini "Bahasa Gaul" atau "Bahasa Slang".

AFAIK — As Far As I Know
AFK — Away From Keyboard 
ASAP — As Soon As Possible 
ATM = According To Me
ATTN = Attention
BAK = Back At the Keyboard

BAS — Big Ass Smile 
B4 — Before 
BBL — Be Back Later 
BBN — Bye Bye Now 
BBS — Be Back Soon 

BEG — Big Evil Grin 
BF — Boyfriend (bukan lagi Blue Film :))
BIBO — Beer In Beer Out 
BRB — Be Right Back 
BTW, Btw — By The Way 

BWL — Bursting With Laughter 
BBIAB = Be Back In A Bit 
BFN = Bye For Now 
BIF = Basis In Fact 
BION = Believe It Or Not 
BL = Belly Laughing 
BTA = But Then Again 
BTT = Back To Topic 

CMIIW = Correct Me If I’m Wrong 
CU = see you 
CUA = Common User Access 
CUL = See You Later 
CYA — See You (Seeya) 

CYAL8R — See You Later (Seeyalata) 
CUL8R — See You Later 
CWYL = Chat With Ya Later 
CYO = See You Online

C&G — Chuckle and Grin 
CICO — Coffee In, Coffee Out 
CID — Crying In Disgrace 
CNP — Continued (in my) Next Post 
CP — Chat Post(a chat message) 
CRBT — Crying Real Big Tears 
CSG — Chuckle Snicker Grin 

DLTBBB — Don’t Let The Bed Bugs Bite 
DBA = Doing Business As 
DIKU? = Do I Know You? 
DITYID? = Did I Tell You I’m Distressed? 
DIY = Do It Yourself 
DTRT = Do The Right Thing

EG — Evil Grin EMSG — Email Message 
EMFBI = Excuse Me For Butting In 
EOM = End Of Message 
EOS = End Of Show 
EOT = End Of Thread

FAQ = Frequently Asked Question(s) 
FC — Fingers Crossed 
FTBOMH — From The Bottom Of My Heart 
FYI — For Your Information 
FWIW — For What It’s Worth 
FTF = Face To Face 
FISH = First In, Still Here 
FOMCL = Falling Off My Chair Laughing 
FUD = Fear, Uncertainty & Doubt 
FWIW = For What It’s Worth 
FYA = For Your Amusement 
FYEO = For Your Eyes Only 

GA = Go Ahead 
GAL — Get A Life 
GF — Girlfriend 
GFN — Gone For Now 
GMBA — Giggling My Butt Off 

GMTA — Great Minds Think Alike 
GR8 — Great 
GTSY — Glad To See You 
GIGO = Garbage In, Garbage Out 
GIWIST = Gee, I Wish I’d Said That 

GOL = Giggling Out Loud 
GRD = Grinning, Running & Ducking 
GTG = Got to Go 
GWS = Get Well Soon 
GTRM = Going To Read Mail

H&K — Hug and Kiss 
HABU — Have A Better ‘Un
HAGN — Have A Good Night
HAGU — Have A Good ‘Un
HHIS — Hanging Head in Shame
HUB — Head Up Butt IAE — In Any Event

HHOK = Ha Ha, Only Kidding
HHOS = Ha Ha, Only Serious
HNG = Horny Net Geek
HTD = Have To Disagree
HTH = Hope This Helps 
HTHBE = Hope This Has Been Enlightening

IC — I See
IGP — I Gotta Pee
IMNSHO — In My Not So Humble Opinion
IMO — In My Opinion
IMCO — In My Considered Opinion
IMHO — In My Humble Opinion
IOW — In Other Words
IRL — In Real Life

IWALU — I Will Always Love You
IWO — In Other Words

IAC = In Any Case
IAG = I’m A Genius
IAE = In Any Event
IANAL = I Am Not A Lawyer
IC = I see
ICAM = I Couldn’t Agree More

ID = I Disagree
IHA = I Hate Acronyms
IIRC = If I Remember Correctly
ILY or ILU = I Love You
IMAO = In My Arrogant Opinion
IPN = I’m Posting Naked
IRT = In Real Time
ITA = I Totally Agree
ITD = I Totally Disagree
ITRW = In The Real World
IOW = In Other Words

JMO — Just My Opinion
JTLYK — Just To Let You Know
JAT = Just A Thought 
JFU = Just For You 
JIC = Just In Case 
JK = Just Kidding (or Joke) 
JMHO = Just My Humble Opinion 

KIT — Keep In Touch
KOC — Kiss On Cheek
KOL — Kiss On Lips
KWIM? = Know What I Mean?

L8R — Later
LHM — Lord Help Me
LHO — Laughing Head Off
LHU — Lord Help Us
LMAO — Laughing My Ass Off
LMSO — Laughing My Socks Off
LTNS — Long Time No See
LOL — Laugh Out Loud

LBAY = Laughing Back At You
LD = Later Dude
LDR = Long Distance Relationship
LLTA = Lots and Lots of Thunderous Applause
LOLBAY = Laughing Out Loud Back At You
LTM = Laugh To Myself

LSHMBB — Laughing So Hard My Belly is Bouncing
LSHMBH — Laughing So Hard My Belly Hurts
LSHTTARDML — Laughing So Hard The Tears Are Running Down My Leg
LTNS — Long Time No See
LTS — Laughing To Self
LUWAMH — Love You With All My Heart
LY — Love Ya

MTF — More To Follow
M/F? = Male or Female?
MEGO = My Eyes Glazed Over
MHOTY = My Hat’s Off To You
MINK = Multiple Income No Kids

MMHA2U = My Most Humble Apologies to you
MOOS or MOTOS = Member Of The Opposite Sex
MOSS or MOTSS = Member Of The Same Sex
MOTD = Message Of The Day
MOTO = Member Of The Opposant
MUD = Multi=User Dungeon (or Dimension)

NRN = No Reply Necessary
NADT = Not A Darn Thing
NBIF = No Basis In Fact
NBIR = No Basis In Reality
NW = No Way
NP = No Problem
NRN = No Reply Necessary

OIC = Oh, I See
OL = Old Lady (significant other)
OM = Old Man (significant other)
OTOH = On The Other Hand
OTTOMH = Off The Top of My Head
OLL = On Line Love

OMG = Oh My God
OOT = Out Of Topic 
OOTB = Out Of The Box
OPM = Other People’s Money
OTF = On The Floor
OTOOH = On The Other, Other Hand
OTP = On The Phone
OTTH = On The Third Hand
OTW = On the Way 

PDA = Public Display of Affection
PDS — Please Don’t Shoot
PITA — Pain In The Ass
PM — Private Message
PMFJI — Pardon Me For Jumping In
PMP — Peed My Pants
POAHF — Put On A Happy Face

PANS = Pretty Awesome New Stuff
PC = Politically Correct or Personal Computer
PDQ = Pretty Darn Quick
PEBCAK = Problem Exists Between Chair And Keyboard
PI or PIC = Politically Incorrect

PITA = Pain In The Ass
PMFJI = Pardon Me For Jumping In
PMJI = Pardon My Jumping In
POTS = Plain Old Telephone Service (or Pretty Old Tired Stuff)
POV = Point Of View
PPL = Peed Pants Laughing or People

QSL — Reply
QSO — Conversation
QT — Cutie

RTFM — Read The Fucking Manual!
RL = Real Life
ROAR = Laughing as loud as a lion
RP = Romantic Partner
RPG = Role Playing Games

ROFL = Rolling On Floor Laughing (Ngakak guling-guling)
ROFLAPMP — ROFL And Peeing My Pants
ROFLUTS ROFL — Unable to Speak

RSN = Real Soon Now
RTM = Read The Manual or Message
RW = Real World
RYO = Roll Your Own

SETE — Smiling Ear To Ear
SHID — Slaps Head In Disgust
SNERT — Snot-Nosed Egotistical Rude Teenager
SO — Significant Other
SOT — Short Of Time

SINK = Single Income No Kids 
SITD = Still In The Dark
SOL = Smiling Out Loud
SOMY? = Sick Of Me Yet?
SOS = Someone On Shoulder
STD = Sick To Death
STS = Sorry To Say

SOTMG — Short Of Time Must Go
SWAK — Sealed With A Kiss
SWAS — Scientific Wild Ass Guess
SWL — Screaming with Laughter
SYS — See You Soon

TA — Thanks Again
THX = Thanks
TQ or TX or TXS or THX = Thanks (or Thank You)
TFM = Thanks From Me 
TFMT = Thanks From Me Too

TFS = Thank For Sharing
TFRM = Thanks For Remind Me
TIA = Thanks In Advance 
TAF = That’s All Folks 
TAFN = That’s All For Now

TANSTAAFL = There Ain’t No Such Thing As A Free Lunch
TBH = To Be Honest
TCN = Take Care Now
TFH = Thread From Hell
TFI = The Fact Is

TGTBT = Too Good To Be True
TIC = Tongue In Cheek
TIG = This Is Great
TIIC = The Idiots In Charge

TLA = Three=Letter Acronym
TPTB = The Powers That Be
TYSM = Thank You So Much
TYVM = Thank You Very Much

TGIF — Thank God It’s Friday
TCOY — Take Care Of Yourself
TILII — Tell It Like It Is
TNT — Till Next Time
TOY — Thinking Of You
TTFN — Ta Ta For Now
TTYL — Talk To You Later

UAPITA or YAPITA = You’re A Pain In The Ass
USTM or YSTM = You Should Thanks Me

VWP = Very Well Put

W4W = Word for Word
WAS — Wild Ass Guess
WB — Welcome Back
WTH — What/Who The Heck (or sub an ‘F’ for the ‘H’
WTF — What the fuck

WAGS = What A Great Story 
WAI = What An Inspiration! 
WB = Welcome Back
WDALYIC? = Who Died And Left You In Charge?

WFM = Works For Me 
WIBNI = Wouldn’t It Be Nice If
WP = Well Put
WT? = What/Who The?
WTH? = What The Hell?
WTG = Way To Go
WTGP? = Want To Go Private?

WTS = With That Said
WU? = What’s Up?
WUF? = Where are you From?
WYSIWYG = What You See Is What You Get

XOXO = kisses and hugs
XX = kisses

YBS — You’ll Be Sorry
YG — Young Gentleman
YL — Young Lady
YM — Young Man

YAAG = You Are A Genius
YABR = You Are Being Replaced
YGBSM = You’ve Gotta Be Shittin’ Me
YMMV = Your Mileage May Vary
YRR = You ‘R’ Right
YVMW = You’re Very Much Welcome

Demikian Daftar Singkatan Bahasa Inggris di Kalangan User Internet, minimal kita tahu, meskin tidak menggunakan atau tidak menerimanya dalam chat dengan teman.*

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